Angels Touches
At Angels Touch we are very proud of how quickly we can help families in need. Below are just a few families who shared their feelings.
35 year old father of 3 deceased unexpectedly leaving the family in a desperate financial state. We paid the past due utility bills and gave gift cards to help fund the children’s first Christmas without their father.
K. Collins
A family of first responders who budget was very limited, we hired a heat/ac repairman to fix the heating unit in their home.
Mullis Family
6 yr. old diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia- we provided gift cards to fund expenses and to give him a Christmas to remember.
V. King
Diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. Helped fund the family finances as he was totally out of work until his death.
J. Collins
Single parent of 6 laid off work due to illness. Paid past due utility bills, provided gift certificates for food and gifts for the children at Christmas.
P. Mozley
According to the principal of the school, 85% of the school is on free lunches. Most of the children do not get fed during the holidays due to the poverty level within the community. Funds were donated so food and gifts could be provided based on the discretion of the school counselor and the known needs.
Rockbridge Elementary School
Single mom with 6 children who struggles with severe health issues from past injuries. We provided gift cards for food, prescriptions and gifts at Christmas.
L. Bates
Most of the students are on free lunches and do not receive adequate nutrition when the schools dismiss for holidays. We provided a donation to bless the families during these times.
Ruth Hill Elementary School
3 recipients were granted their wish of an antelope hunt in the Panhandle of Texas. They were treated to an expense paid hunt and a great time of fellowship as they discussed their blessings and the challenges they face on a daily basis.
Handicapped Antelope Hunt
Mom was a drug addict addicted to meth and she and her 2 children were living in a small metal tool shed to get out of the environment. We provided the actual gifts on both of the children’s wish list for Christmas.
Church sponsored Family
Provided gift cards to Walmart for food and prescription help for autoimmune disease that could not be purchased.
P. Shepperd
A 12 year old cancer patient without adequate insurance to provide treatment. Friends and family gathered around the family and created a funding effort to help with the enormous medical expense.
P. Parker
A veteran whose back went out due to past injuries and his service to our country. A spinal fusion was the last resort and his family suffered financial stress due to the complete loss of his income. Angels Touch supported the family during this difficult time, helping the family to keep their home until recovery and therapy was completed.
E. Jenkins
A child we chose to sponsor based on his case of autism. He was sponsored to a special camp helping autistic children in coping mechanisms and providing necessary life tools.
H. Orr
A charity ran by a veteran with a heart to help and encourage our soldiers deployed overseas. They provide care packages to our active serving military men and women.
I Honor Your Service to America
Suffering with two different types of cancer at one time, the worst diagnosis being pancreatic cancer. 6 months rent was provided to help eliminate some stress and allow her to concentrate on her battles.
K. Matheson
An autistic young man who had been left to survive alone after the unexpected death of his mom. He had one living relative, a brother that was away at college but not involved on a daily basis in his care. He is residing in a house that was electrically unsafe with exposed wiring and safety hazards. The electrical was updated and ceiling fans installed in 3 rooms.
Johnny H.
Christmas gift cards sent as part of our Holiday Adopt a Family program.
J. Milleken-Robinson
A donor donated a 12x36 custom built log cabin that was given to a homeless lady in need of a place to call home. The building was sufficient to provide a place of safety out of the harsh snow and winter.
N. Willoughby
The numerous mission outreaches of World Challenge to the poor includes orphanages, overseas widows’ fund, emergency/disaster relief, healthcare/clinics, community development and feeding centers.
World Poverty Solutions/World Challenge Inc.
The fast moving fire in Colfax County burned over 36,000 acres and burned part of the Philmont Scout Ranch. A total of 14 non-resident structures were burned.
Cimarron New Mexico Forest Fires- Fund Raiser
Provided funds for counseling to a mom who lost her 19 year old son to suicide.
H. Wilcox
The mission is to address hunger, health and quality of life by serving those in need throughout North Georgia.
Georgia Mountain Food Bank
We provided funds locally thru a church with 100% pass thru to affected victims at a time of significant devastation.
Harvey Hurricane and Flood Relief- Houston, Tx.
One of the largest natural disasters in the history of Tennessee. The fire claimed the lives of 14 and another134 were injured. The fires burned 10,000 acres (15 sq. miles) inside the national park and 6000 acres in other parts. At least 14,000 area residents and tourist were forced to evacuate, while over 2000 buildings were damaged and destroyed.
2016 Gatlinburg Fire Victims
A young man who had been plagued with drug addictions and a life of bad choices. He was committed to making a real life change in the direction of his life. Angels Touch paid for a recovery program that was successfully completed.
M. Jones
We provided funds locally thru a church with 100% pass thru to affected victims at a time of significant devastation.
Coach C. Adams
3021 children of a rural African tribe were provided essentials for survival and gifts to be provided as Christmas gifts to each child.
A. Craft